Qleed | 135×45 Zwart

Veilige infraroodwarmte

Universele aansluiting

Snelle oplaadtijd

Warmte tot 45 graden
Verdien jouw Qnuss terug in 6 tot 12 maanden!

Over het product
Material and maintenance
What do I receive?

Our infrared technology is safe and designed for long-term use. The heating element in the back and seat area of the Qleed comes into direct contact with your body, allowing you to optimally enjoy the warmth. Infrared heat heats your body directly, without losing heat to the surrounding air.
Embrace the warmth

Safe infrared heat

Up to 8 hours of warmth

Fast charging time

Heat up to 45 degrees

How does it work Qleed?
Experience wireless comfort with the Qnuss Qleed, which is equipped with 3 heat settings. The Qleed has 2 heating elements: one on the back and one on the seat. These can be operated independently of each other and each offer 3 heat settings. Activate your Qnuss by pressing the button for a few seconds and then choose your desired heat setting. Thanks to the powerful 10,000 mAh power bank, you can enjoy wonderful warmth for up to 8 hours.
You can enjoy your Qnuss with peace of mind, because it has been extensively tested and meets the highest safety standards. Our heating products are equipped with overheating protection, so you can enjoy the heat without any worries.
Why choose Qnuss?
Our advantages at a glance

Thanks to our smart infrared technology, our products heat you immediately, allowing you to lower the thermostat and save up to 7% on your energy consumption.

Our products are wireless, so you can use them anywhere without the hassle of cables.

Our free 10,000 mAh batteries provide thermal comfort for up to 8 hours, depending on the heat setting you choose. Our batteries are easy to charge via a USB connection, so you can enjoy warmth anytime, anywhere.

Choose your favorite heat setting with the control knob and immediately experience the comfortable warmth. Even the lowest setting of 39°C is pleasant. The middle setting of 42°C is nice and warm & for the really cold, the highest setting of 45°C is enjoyable!
Blijf warm met Qnuss
Hoelang blijft de warmtedeken warm?
De warmtedeken kan wel tot 9 uur warmte afgeven, afhankelijk van de gekozen warmtestand, de omgevingstemperatuur en of er één of meerdere warmtepanelen worden gebruikt.
Hoe maak ik de warmtedeken schoon?
De deken is gemakkelijk te reinigen. Verwijder de batterij voor het wassen en volg de onderhoudsinstructies op onze website voor optimale zorg.
Zijn de warmtedekens veilig voor langdurig gebruik?
Ja, de dekens zijn veilig te gebruiken, maar we raden aan om de temperatuur regelmatig te controleren en niet te gebruiken als het product beschadigd is.
Is de warmtedeken geschikt voor buitengebruik?
Ja, de warmtedekens zijn ontworpen voor gebruik binnenshuis en buitenshuis, zolang ze beschermd zijn tegen direct contact met vocht.